• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with temperature

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ReptiZoo Digital Alarm Thermo-Hygrometer

Digital Alarm Thermo-Hygrometer

Accurate temperature and humidity measurement


ReptiZoo Mini digital 3-side mounting thermo-hygrometer

Mini digital 3-side mounting thermo-hygrometer

Accurate temperature and humidity measurement


Pangea Pangea Digital Combo Thermometer (Temperature) Humidity Gauge / Hygrometer

Pangea Digital Combo Thermometer (Temperature) Humidity Gauge / Hygrometer

The Pangea Temp & Humidity Gauge is a small yet very accurate and reliable measuring device.


Pangea Digital Reptile Thermometer

Digital Reptile Thermometer

The digital reptile thermometer is a small yet very accurate and reliable temperature measuring device with a great 1 year free replacement warranty.


Zoomed Repti Cooler

Repti Cooler

Lowers ambient temperature through evaporative cooling by up to 10°F, just add water.



Exoterra Precision incubator

Precision incubator

The Exo Terra PRO Precision Incubator makes the incubation of reptile eggs safer and uncomplicated.


Exoterra Incubation tray

Incubation tray

Bac pour incubation.


Zoomed Creatures™ Thermometer

Creatures™ Thermometer

Quickly monitor your pet’s habitat temperatures with this easy-to-apply adhesive thermometer for glass tanks.


Zoomed Hermit Crab Dual Thermometer & Humidity Gauge

Hermit Crab Dual Thermometer & Humidity Gauge

Allows precise monitoring of both temperature and humidity in your Hermit Crab’s home.


Zoomed ReptiCare® Terrarium Timer

ReptiCare® Terrarium Timer

A timer to program the lighting for your reptile.


Zoomed ReptiCare® Terrarium Controller 4 out of 8 controlled sockets

ReptiCare® Terrarium Controller 4 out of 8 controlled sockets

4 of the 8 outputs can be timer controlled. This timer helps you provide a natural day / night cycle


Zoomed Hermit Crab Thermometer

Hermit Crab Thermometer

High range LCD thermometer to monitor the temperature in your hermit crab's terrarium.
