• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Products tagged with claire

Affichage   1 - 6 sur 6
Eheim MiniFLAT Shallow Water Internal Filter

MiniFLAT Shallow Water Internal Filter

Shallow Water Filter


Zoomed TurtleClean 20

TurtleClean 20

Very efficient filter at low power. Provides sufficient filtration for turtle tanks holding up to 10 and 20 gallons of water.


Zoomed External Canister Filter

External Canister Filter

Convenient small cartridge filter outside the tank for turtle tanks up to 15 gallons. Contains biological, chemical and mechanical filtration.


Marina Marina 100 air pump

Marina 100 air pump

Marina Air Pumps are efficiently designed to increase water movement in aquariums for proper oxygenation, which helps to create a healthier environment for fish and live plants.


Marina Elite Air stone

Marina Elite Air stone

The Marina air stone is ideal for adding accents in any aquarium the air stone diffuses air


Zoomed "Turtle Clean 318" / Submersible Filter

"Turtle Clean 318" / Submersible Filter

This product is an ideal filter for turtle tanks. This filter is designed to filter turtle tanks up to 30 gallons.

