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Bold Lavender Super Giant Leopard gecko 03/25/24
French name : Gecko léopard Super Giant English name : Super Giant Leopard gecko Latin name: Eublepharis macularius
Male Pumkin Leopard gecko August 2024
French name : Gecko léopard English name : Leopard gecko Latin name: Eublepharis macularius
Tessera (DH. Anery Amel) Corn snake #1 (Sept 5, 2024)
French name : Serpent des blés English name : Corn Snake Latin name: Pantherophis guttatus
Female 12 years old Red-eared slider turtle / 2nd chance adoption
French name : Tortue à oreilles rouges English name : Red-eared slider turtle Latin name: Trachemys scripta elegans
Male 10 years old Red-eared slider turtle / 2nd chance adoption
Axanthic Baby Crested gecko
French name : Gecko à crête English name : Crested gecko Latin name: Correlophus ciliatus
Low Translucent Male Veiled Chameleon #1
French name : Caméléon casqué du Yemen English name : Veiled Chameleon Latin name: Calyptratus calyptratus
Woodhouse Culture Isopod Cubaris rubber ducky (6)
Cultivated small arthropods, perfect for feeding amphibians, very small lizards and even other invertebrates.
Heavy Jumping spider with enclosure
French name : Heavy Araignée sauteuse English name : Heavy Jumping spider Latin name: Hyllus diardi
Baby anaconda phase Western Hognose #2
French name : Hétérodon de l'ouest English name : Western Hognose Latin name: Heterodon nasicus
Baby Anaconda phase Western Hognose #1
Lilly White Crested gecko female