• Fournisseur officiel Zoo Med

    Fournisseur officiel

Vers goliath 1 g1

French name: Vers Goliath
English name: Hornworms
Latin name: Manduca sexta

Article number: 1 g1
Availability: In stock (33)
Delivery time: Same-day in-store pickup only

Live insects / frozen rodents - Pick up in store the same day. An email will be sent when the order is ready. Orders not picked up during the day will be canceled and there will be no refund.

The Goliath worm is very large it can reach a weight of 9 grams, it is recommended for larger reptiles and can easily replace 25 to 30 crickets, 3 large silkworms, or even 2 baby mice. Within a period of about 20 days, it goes from egg to adult size which is 3 "on average. With a bright color, its predator cannot remain inactive in front of it. In comparison. along with the silkworm, it is also nutritious and easy to digest, ideal for satisfying large appetites Nutritional values: Hydration rate 85 (%) Calorie from protein 75 (%) Calorie from fat 25 (%)

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